A narrow notch, groove or opening, as a keyway in a piece of machinery or a slit for a coin in a vending machine. Also, a position in a group, series or sequence. (Webster’s New World College Dictionary, 4th Edition.)
The slot is a critical area in a football defense, particularly for defensive backs who play in the secondary. Slot corners need to be well conditioned and athletically talented, as they have the added responsibility of covering the slot receiver.
Slots are the main form of gambling in most casinos, offering some of the biggest, lifestyle-changing jackpots. They’re easy to play, just drop a coin in and push the button or handle. Some people claim that slots pay out more at night, but this is probably due to the fact that there are more players playing at that time.
In computing, a slot is a place in the system where an application can execute. Often, slots are assigned to specific processors. However, some slots are reserved for memory. This allows for better performance, especially when running applications in parallel.
A slot is a type of entity value that Dialog Engine uses to identify content. A slot can contain values that match to specific phrases, such as flight codes for a travel bot or names of cities for a weather bot. Slots can also be mapped to synonyms, enabling the bot to understand various forms of the phrase. For example, the phrase “New York” can be mapped to the synonyms “Big Apple” or “NYC.” You can add as many synonyms as you want for each slot type.