
Gambling and Casino Security


From the glamorous lights of Las Vegas to the illegal pai gow parlors of New York’s Chinatown, casinos tap into a deep-seated human need for chance and excitement. While some people find these games a form of entertainment they enjoy, others can become addicted and suffer serious psychological problems. Many gamblers also neglect their health, as prolonged periods of sitting and playing can lead to sedentary lifestyles that may cause obesity and other health problems.

Gambling in some form has been around for thousands of years, and it was once commonplace in most societies. The modern casino, however, is a complex business that requires a lot of money to operate successfully. In order to maximize profits, casinos must be able to accurately predict the outcome of each game, which can be very difficult, even for highly trained mathematicians. To determine the expected house edge and variance of each game, casinos hire a team of mathematical experts known as gaming mathematicians and analysts.

In addition to hiring mathematicians and analysts, casinos use a variety of other security measures. For example, the layout of a casino is designed with surveillance in mind; cameras are mounted everywhere and can be directed to focus on suspicious patrons by staff in a room full of monitors. A less obvious but equally important aspect of casino security is the rules and routines that players follow when they play. The way that dealers shuffle and deal cards, the location of betting spots on the table, and the expected reactions and motions of the players all follow certain patterns, which make it much easier for security to spot violations.